Refund and Return Policy
You may return your order within 14 days of delivery. If you choose to do this, you will be responsible for paying for return shipping plus a 20% restocking fee. The cost of shipping freight is high. You can expect to pay around two thousand dollars (give or take) to ship a kit back to us. You will often get back less than half of your purchase price after paying for shipping and restocking.
We do not want anyone to lose money on a purchase. Please be certain of your purchase decision before shipping tons of material nationwide. Consumers are often expected to pay return shipping on returned goods. Unfortunately, freight on our products is not what most consumers are accustomed to. There are all kinds of information available on this site. Contact us if you can’t find what you are looking for or still have questions. We will answer any questions you have.
You can cancel your order before shipment for a full refund. We do not ship orders without first contacting you to verify your order. Special orders may incur cancellation fees.
Refunds will not be issued for order refusal due to the delivery method.